From body and joint support, muscle relief, and even mental health, CBD definitely has its fair share of benefits. With more being discovered every day, it’s no wonder why it’s become so popular in recent times. For people who suffer from anything from insomnia to inflammatory issues, CBD has been proven to help soothe and aid pain and discomfort caused by these ailments and many more!

But how does CBD work exactly? Well, it starts with the ECS, or endocannabinoid system. This system runs through our brain and body, and this system helps us process CBD and its effects. If this system is damaged, however, it can cause ailments such as IBS or fibromyalgia. CB1, CB2, and Anandamide are all very vital parts of the ECS system as receptors, and with the ECS system aid our body in things like pain, mood, appetite, and even memory. Another important receptor involved in the ECS system is the Vanilloid receptor. This receptor is important in that it helps release the therapeutic effects of CBD products, doing things such as temperature regulation and pain perception. In all, the ECS system helps the body stay balanced, and when it’s damaged can show throughout the body. Thankfully, with the proper use of CBD treatment products, along with proper diet and exercise, these problems can be made more manageable, with both comforts and ease! All of this research was made possible by a study done in 1992 by Raphael Mechoulam, along with William Devane and Dr. Lumir Hanus, giving us the knowledge that we have today.

Some of CBD’s more well-known benefits are helping relieve anxiety, stress, and pain. Many people who suffer from mental disorders, such as depression or anxiety, can find help in the healing properties of CBD products. And according to studies, not only does CBD heal mental ailments, but it also can boost mental and physical brain health, leading to a happier and healthier brain, doing things such as preventing tumors! Since CBD has an anti-tumor property, it can help prevent and aide cancers, such as colon and ovarian cancer, as well as help aid in nausea caused by chemotherapy. It also helps with disorders like seizures and epilepsy, and with stress-management and panic attacks.

CBD also helps with Serotonin production, which is responsible for the hormone Cortisol. Cortisol helps regulate your metabolism and stress reactions, making a happier brain overall, as it affects mood, cognition, and appetite. Another hormone that is produced by serotonin is Oxytocin, which lacks thereof is responsible for social behaviors like ADD and ADHD.

CBD also can keep your cholesterol maintained, and if you’re at risk for Cardiovascular diseases, CBD products have even been shown to reduce the risk for diabetes and various weight problems, since it works with your metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels and in the end lead to a healthier and happier body.

Even the immune system is benefited by CBD products! Many ailments such as arthritis and multiple sclerosis. In the case of the autoimmune destroying illness HIV/AIDS, there was a study done, where people with HIV/AIDS took various CBD products over a period of time, and ended up with a lower overall viral load, as well as a higher CD4 immune cell count than the controlled group, making CBD a great aid in immune system disorders.

The skeletal system as well can see benefits from using CBD products. CBD has been shown to help bones heal faster after a fracture, as the receptors throughout the skeletal system send out new bone tissue to replace the old, mending the bone back even stronger. With CBD products, however, the bone tissue even around the fracture itself has been shown to become stronger! Early symptoms of diseases such as Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis can be much more livable and manageable with CBD products and regular treatment due to their healing properties on bone tissue. Patients that suffer from Cerebral Palsy have also been shown to see improvement in their everyday life due to their muscles being able to relax, helping with everyday pain and making it more manageable.

Suffer from skin problems, CBD products can help with that too! Helping maintain the epidermis’ defense barrier, it can help promote healthy and great skin, working with the Sebaceous glands and even blocking nerve endings that can give you sensations of itchiness and pain. From Acne treatment to even shampoos that help with dandruff, CBD has all sorts of benefits!

One of the well-known areas that CBD can help a patient is in joint care. People who suffer from ailments like arthritis can use CBD lotions and apply it to the areas that give them the most pain or discomfort. This process can also be used after a workout, helping your joints and muscles not get as sore or inflamed after a workout, making CBD oils a great post-workout treatment to help give your muscles and joints a breather! CBD oil can also be beneficial in the morning. When we wake up after a long slumber, our muscles and joints tend to be stiff and rigid from staying in one position for so long. However, if you apply some CBD oil shortly after waking from your beauty sleep, you can help loosen them up, aiding in both muscle and joint health and management. If a nice bath is more your speed, there are even CBD bath bombs; helping those stresses of the day melt away with muscle and joint relief.

Have a precious pet suffering from any of these things mentioned? Well, have no fear, as CBD products are beneficial even to your furry friends! The ECS system is animals process CBD products just like we do, meaning that your pet can enjoy the same health benefits that you do from CBD products! A pet suffering from joint pain from an active lifestyle, for example, can benefit from CBD products the same way that someone with joint pain can! Available in eatable treats containing CBD. Your pet’s new favorite treat might just be a CBD treat. If your pet suffers from anything from seizures to depression, CBD can help regulate and heal your pet leading to a happier pet.

As one can see, CBD products can help with several types of problems, and with even more to be discovered, it’s clear that CBD products are a great health benefit! And even recreational use has its benefits. If you need a relaxing night after a long day of work, CBD products have you covered! With all these benefits, using CBD products is a great way to not only take care of your body but your mind as well. And with Greenlight Botanics’ wide selection, with everything from CBD oils, to even treats for your pet, it’s never been easier to enjoy the several benefits that CBD has to offer!


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